MIDWEEK on Wednesday Nights is great at Mt. Vernon Church. There are learning and growth opportunities for every age!  Everything begins at 5:30 PM in the MVC in the Fellowship Hall with a delicious meal for everyone.  Classes and learning opportunities begin at 6:30 PM, including new break-out groups for adults!  You'll find a place to learn and grow with others on the journey!  Click here to learn more, and register for upcoming groups! 

Sunday Groups

Every great church is both large and small. We worship together in a large setting, but to really belong, we encourage you to find a small group of believers to join. It’s here that you'll make friends, find encouragement, learn, grow, and serve.  There are two adult groups that meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM—and regularly connect and fellowship outside of Sunday mornings!  Reach out to us to learn more about these groups: 


Randy and Angel Cook, Leaders. Meets in Room 203

The Pathfinders:

Bruce and Marsha West/Gary and Karen Mosley, Leaders. Meets in Room 205

For Students:

Meets in The Light Room with Youth Pastor, Kade Pierce

email kade.mvc@gmail.com for more information!